ZEDfactory began as Bill Dunster Architects in 1999. From day one, the company has been exclusively committed to low carbon building and development. Using tried and tested technologies, ZEDfactory creates designs that are stimulating and practical on a daily basis, yet distinctive, economic and reliable in the long term.
Today, ZEDfactory is a leader in the field of zero-carbon design and development, with a unique track record of delivering Zero (fossil) Energy Development (ZED) buildings in the UK and worldwide. The company offers the full range of architectural services, from master-planning and design of large-scale ‘Eco-villages’ to one-off individual building commissions.
The ZEDfactory also works closely with leading UK academics and consultants to model predicted energy consumption and production, fluid dynamics and whole life cycle carbon costs of their designs to ensure they achieve the lowest environmental impact possible.
The ZED Factory is a leading light in low-carbon living. We have extensive experience in the design and realisation of energy efficient buildings of all types and sizes. The company’s designs for zero carbon building projects are sought out by clients around the world.

The Class Property Innovation and Sustainability Award 2017
ZEDpods - newly developed student residences that push the boundaries of how we live
LarfargeHolcim Awards 2017
Bronze: Inhabited parking spaces in London
Home Builder Awards 2017
Most Sustainable Residential Architecture Firm - South England
The Zero Bills Home - Structural Timber Awards 2016
Shortlisted low energy category with highly commended
The ZEDlife - Outstanding 2013
RIBA - Presidents Award 2013 - Winner
ZEDroof - Sustainability Innovation Award 2011
Sustainable Housing Award
BRE Special Lifetime Achievement Award 2010
Sustainable Housing UK
One Earth Homes, Upton, Northampton - Sustainable Development of the Year 2009
UK Green Building Council
The ZEDbook - RIBA - Presidents Award 2008
Outstanding Professional Practice-located Research
St Mathews Key Worker Flats, London
Sustainable Housing Awards 2008
Sustainability Awards 2006 - Low energy building of the year 2006
Jubilee Wharf, Penryn, Cornwall
Housing Design Awards 2007 - Future Proof Award 2007
Hockney Green
Housing Design Awards 2006 - Highly Commended
BowZED, London
Housing Design Awards 2005 - Highly Commended
Leicester Bus Garage
Exhibition of Excellence 2005
BedZED, London
RIBA Stirling Prize 2003 - Shortlisted Main Prize & Winner of Sustainability Award
RIBA London Awards 2003 - Speical Awards - Sustainability
Housing Design Awards 2003 - Best Project & Sustainability Award
EU prize for contemporary architecture 2003, Nominee - Fundacio Mies van der Rohe Award
Evening Standard Lifestyle Award 2002
Energy Globe Award 2002
Eurosolar Award 2002
The World Habitat Awards 2001 - Finalist

The ZED Factory believe that sustainable development is both affordable and achievable within current market constraints. Our design approach integrates as many building elements as possible into construction. This results in fewer components and finishes being needed. The associated cost savings allow a higher specification for low energy and low-environment impact components.
Renewable energy devices and passive energy features are an inherent part of our design thinking. Structural considerations and fixings are determined during design, so that components can be added later as required, rather than as an expensive after thought.
A team of Architects, Urban Planners, Visualisers and Designers.

Architectural Assistant

Architectural Assistant

Architectural Assistant