Bill Dunster
MA(Hons) Edin RIBA OBE
Edinburgh University, MA Hons Edin
Oxford Brookes University, Honory Doctor
2014 - now
Visiting professor at Cardiff University.
2000 - now
Visiting professor at University College London teaching zero carbon / zero waste urban design.
Leading a full course at EPFL Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne
2009 - 2010
Lecturer at Harvard University
1999 - 2001
Teaching at Kingston University
1996 - 1999
Leading a course at Architectural Association
Prior to setting up ZEDfactory in 1999, Bill worked at Michael Hopkins and Partners, for 15 years, on projects specialising in low energy and sustainable developments, including the Jubilee Campus at Nottingham University, and Portcullis House in Parliament Square. Zedfactory aims to demonstrate that a step change reduction in carbon footprint is achievable at the same time as an increase in overall quality of life, and completed the first carbon neutral mixed used scheme, BedZED in 2002 using these principals.
ZEDfactory has experience working on both a range of architectural projects varying in size from large scale masterplanning to small residential refurbishments and works in China and Brazil, as well as the UK. This particular emphasis on the holistic integration of zero carbon thinking into the place-making and transportation agenda called ‘ZEDlife’ has recently been fed into the Zero Bills Home demonstration house at the BRE