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Projects / Masterplanning


Project information


Client: KICT Korea

Project Date: July 2009



Site Location: Seoul, South Korea

Project Status: Design Complete

A zero carbon zero waste strategy for a high density residential development in Korea _2009.

The Korean Institute of Construction Technology commissioned ZEDfactory to carry out a study on the infrastructure needed to create this project. The strategy addressed solutions at different scales: the city, the district, the urban block and the building. Different solutions worked best at different scales.

Site plan different zones within the site 

The diagram below shows the different zones involved in the development of the overall masterplan. The black line indicates the region of Hwado-Eup within which the site sits. The Yellow line shows the ‘overall masterplan boundary’ which totals an area of 2.5km2. The outter red line is the city development area of 1.4km2. 

The Zones 1-6 are the ‘construction development’ zones, which arerequired to be an average density of 200%. This equates to 2.8km2 of building floor area, measured to the centre of the external envalope at approx. 82m2 per home. 40,000 homes would be required housing approx. 75,000 people.


The existing rivers have been included on this topography illustration which again highlights the location of the site on the hill side, with the base of the valley having the river weaving its way through the lowest section, which then converges with the River Book Han.


Site Conditions: Temperature

The weather data for the site is very important to assess and produce the master plan for the site. Building location, direction, density, grouping, are all influenced. Energy systems are also impacted; harvesting potential of wind, sun and rain and how again will impact the master plan.


Temperature range = -9 to 31degrees C

Average temperature range = -3.4 to 25.4 degrees C


Wind direction is predominately from E/NE & NE in September to November and S/SW & SW in June to April. The months in-between tend tobe split quite evenly between two directions. This is explained by the am wind direction throughout the year being predominately from the NE and the pm from the SW. When reviewing the months such a June where only S/SWis indicated on the wheel, this is due to the morning winds from the NE being very light.

The warmer months also coincide with the wetter months, which increases the humidity to high in the month of August.


Master Plan

By re-diverting organic waste into clever bio-digester machines, we can producegas for cooking, and produce electricity and heat, whilst at the same time reducing carbon emissions from rotting organic matter.


As well as the standard photovoltaics on every building, each district has it’s own bio waste treatment plant. Our research found that all the organic waste (sewage and food waste) from homes can be diverted into producing bio gas for cooking and power generation, with no harmful emissions or chemicals produced. Sewage and food waste are combined and de-watered via a membrane bio-reactor to create a sludge. This sludge is a rich feedstock for an anaerobic digester, which produces methane gas which can then be used directly for cooking or as a fuel to produce electricity and heat. The other by product ofthis process is a nutrient-rich organic compost which can be put back on the land as fertiliser.


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