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The Zero Bills Home

ProductsThe Zero Bills Home

The Zero Bills Home at BRE Inovation Park

Project information


Project Date: 2016

Site Location: London, UK




Project Status: Construction Finished

An Innovative Affordable ZERO CARBON Housing System

The Zero Bills Home build at the BRE Innovation Park represents the first show home for a new 96 home zero bills development in Newport Essex for the Sir Arthur Ellis family Trust. Newport is 8 miles from Stansted and 15 miles from Cambridge. The new zero bills village is 150 yards from a station on the Bishopsgate / Cambridge railway line. 


  • Superinsulated concrete foundation slab with optional additional piles to match most ground conditions.

  • Laser cut galv steelpowder coated structural ring beam with C16 UK timber studs. UK fabricated OSB structural boards enables one floor to be built every two days

  • Superinsulated cladding with heat recovery ventilation and triple glazing reduces heat demand to the point where a tiny heat pump can provide comfort and hot water

  • ZED Factory designed BIPV solar roofing system provides durable roof with electric generation and optional solar loft conservatory

  • Good daylight, water saving appliances and LED lighting reduces electric demand allowing surplus solar electricity to power an electric car

  • A smart LIPO4 Fitcraft battery system. Positioned under the stair stores solar electricity, minimising grid imports and limiting grid export to 3kW maximum avoids the need to upgrade the existing mains grid infrastructure. 

This home represents 10 years of innovation and supply chain development. The home far exceeds requirements under the new building regulations and will be rested against the new HQM standards, aiming to achieve the highest levels possible for the site. Full LABC and Protekt warranties for the construction system will be available.

Simple Construction & Procurement

The build system has been simplified to benefit both small and large builders. It bring the benefits of offsite construction on site without the additional overheads or lead in times of factory production. The system promotes the use of local labour trained using the technical manual and the ZBH house kit ordering process creating a fully scalable system from single homes to thousands of home per annum though a chain of national builders merchants.

Exceeding Building Standards

The BRE house has achieved an airtightness of 1.3 ach @50 pascals test pressure on first test without walls plastered.

Building Regulations requires 10 ach @50 pa.

ZED roof power station 7.5 kW peak

We have maximised the use of UK sourced materials to minimise carbon footprint. The timber studs, OSB and steel is all UK sourced. We maximise the use of natural building materials and eliminate urethane foams, materials with high off grossing and materials with low life cycles. This makes the building one of the lowest embodied carbon buildings possible. Combined with our BIPV solar roof, battery storage and zero fossil fuel energy systems the home also starts paying back its embodied carbon by generating more electricity than it needs over typical year.

Exceptional Sustainability Credentials

Design Flexibility 

The system enables simple, adaptable plans which create convenient internal layouts for any plot orientation. The open structural system increases flexibility for self-build and site specific variations. We have developed this further to create a range of standard house types for detached, semi and terraced typologies. ‘Design code’ planning kits allow new communities on larger sites to design themselves whilst recognising the importance of the placemaking agenda. 

Excellent Value

Combined with no net annual energy bills and the potential to achieve higher resale values based on the additional features of the building, the ZBH system offers a cost effective and sustainable alternative to traditional builder offerings. 

Inside the solar loft

Replicable plan


Terraced house type

Detached house type

Semi-detached house type

Zero Bills Home House Type

East-west three story

House Information

Orientation: East / West
TOT Floor Area: 116 m2
Bedrooms: 4

Ground Floor Area: 42.5 m2
First Floor Area: 42.5 m2
Second Floor Area: 31 m2

West Elevation 

East Elevation 

South Elevation 

North Elevation 

East-west Two story / Terraced house

House Information

Orientation: East / West
TOT Floor Area: 85 m2
Bedrooms: 3

Ground Floor Area: 42.5 m2
First Floor Area: 42.5 m2

West Elevation 

East Elevation 

South Elevation 

North Elevation 

South facing three story

House Information

Orientation: North / South
TOT floor area: 111.5 m2
Bedrooms: 3

Ground floor area: 42.5 m2
First floor area: 42.5 m2

Second floor area: 26.5 m2

West Elevation 

South Elevation 

East Elevation 

North Elevation 


South facing two story / Terraced house

Ground floor area: 36.8 m2
First floor area: 36.8 m2

Second floor area: 22.7 m2

House Information

Orientation: North / South
TOT floor area: 96.3 m2
Bedrooms: 3

West Elevation 

South Elevation 

East Elevation 

North Elevation 

Structural Timber Awards 2016

Shortlisted low energy category with highly commended 

East-west Bungalow

House Information

Orientation: East / West
TOT floor area: 70.1 m2
Bedrooms: 3

Ground floor area: 70.1 m2

North Elevation 

East Elevation 

South Elevation 

West Elevation 


Structural Timber Awards 2017 

Highly commended pioneer of the year

Zero Bills Home on site at Hastings

Newport Zero Bills Home Eco Development

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