Yan Guo
Head of Chinese Operations
Architectural Association, MA (Hons) Edin
Interior Design, MA (Hons) LondonMet
China Central Academy of Art
Before joining ZEDfactory, Yan worked on a number of high profile international schemes such as the Kings Cross development in London (with John McAslan & Partners) and ShenZhen (Bao Fu) Airport terminal 3 (with Fosters & Partners).Yan is in charge of all ZEDfactory projects from China. She has led design teams on a diverse range of large scale demo residential, commercial buildings and culture projects in China. This includes a tourist centre in Zhangwu, as well as a water museum, and a boutique club house all in the bamboo forest. We won a competition for the ZED Pavilion at the Shanghai Expo urban best practice area in 2010. Yan has also headed the Dalian office & Eco-town project and Tianjin Elion Eco - Town also involving masterplanning, as well as Vantone Prototype house, Vanke low carbon exhibition center. Currently she is leading a large team for a 280.000m2 mixed –use project for the city of Jing De Zhen in China. The design of the Himin ZED roof, a product we have developed with Himin as a JV has helped to establish the Chinese supply chain, and progress the renewable energy technologies within our Chinese projects.